アメリカ人写真評論家でありキュレーター、ヴィンス・アレッティ(Vince Aletti)の作品集。作者は1970年代より、雑誌や書籍のページに印刷された写真を収集してきている。イースト・ヴィレッジのアパートにある、アンティークのフラット・ファイルの引き出しの中にスタックされてきた何百もの雑誌のページの切り取り、新聞の切り抜き、ギャラリーの告知、ほかにも様々なエフェメラを一冊にまとめたのがこの『THE DRAWER』である。
Winner of the Paris Photo PhotoBook of the Year Award, 2023
American critic and curator Vince Aletti has been collecting photographs printed on the pages of magazines and books since the 1970s. For the very first time the hundreds of tearsheets, newspaper clippings, gallery announcements, and other ephemera stacked in a drawer of an antique flat file in his East Village apartment have been documented in the new book The Drawer. The seventy-five multi-layered compositions created by Aletti are a celebration of the beauty of photography and the printed page, as well as testimony of the author's unique ability to voice the complexity and variety of desire, personal and collective histories, and the power of art to reflect and shape who we are.
144 pages
280 x 377 mm
color, black and white -
受賞winner of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards 2023 - the PhotoBook of the Year Prize