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Ryan Gander

Ryan Gander

通常価格 ¥9,900
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ロンドンを拠点に活動する現代アーティスト、ライアン・ガンダー(Ryan Gander)の作品集。2024年12月から2025年4月までスペイン・カセレスの「ヘルガ・デ・アルヴェアール現代美術館(Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear)」で開催されている展覧会「Grunts, hoots, whimpers, barks and screams」に伴い刊行された。



私はキュレーションが大好きだが、その行為の楽しみの90%は、おそらく仕事で換算すると10%に相当する。そこで私は、その喜びと労働の比率において、より効率的な活動を自分のために考案した。私はそれを『亡霊の野心(Phantom Ambitions)』と呼んでいる。



“Phantom Ambition” is a book published by Tonini Editore and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, on the occasion of the exhibition “Ryan Gander: ‘Grunts, hoots, whimpers, barks and screams.’

“Whenever I am unable to sleep, I choose a museum, a space I know well, I choose a theme, I choose artists, artworks, collisions and... I curate. And although I do that only in my head, it seems to do the job... I drop off before I can begin to imagine the opening reception.

I love curating, but 90% of the enjoyment of that act probably constitutes 10% of the job; so I invented an activity for myself that would be more efficient in that pleasure to labour ratio. I call it Phantom Ambitions.

Over the past year or so, whilst making this project, many friends and visitors to the studio who saw these works, surprisingly to me, asked me different questions that invariably led me to consider, and to reconsider, my motives. The questions were in relation to whether I was making an idealised version of reality'... or whether, I guess, I was trying my best? Was my objective to try to make something that would please people? I've often thought that the essence of the motive of an artists actions are almost always more telling, and more interesting, than anything else about their practice.” 

Ryan Gander, extract from the foreword.

The exhibition examines the foundations of Gander’s unique vocabulary as an artist. Bringing together for the first time a large number of works, it traces the development of the distinctive language for which the artist is known. The selection is based on some of the most poetic and attractive works around ideas of value, authorship, mortality, language and coincidence, amongst others. The show devises thematic strands to include iconic installations, as well as recent and new works, specially produced for this exhibition at Helga de Alvear Museum, highlighting his unique practice from the last couple of decades.

“Grunts, hoots, whimpers, barks and screams” is the first major survey of Ryan Gander´s work in Europe.


  • 品番
  • 仕様
    124 pages
    325 x 240 mm
    limited edition of 500 copies
  • 発行年
  • 出版社