アメリカ人アーティスト、ドナルド・ジャッド(Donald Judd)の作品集。
本書は、100点以上におよぶ作者のデザインによる家具を収録する。1970年から1991年までの間にニューヨークのスプリング・ストリートとテキサス州プレシディオ郡に建つ自宅と作業空間用に制作されたものである。家具はスプリング・ストリートの自宅兼スタジオ「101 Spring Street」の改築時に着手され、その後テキサス州マーファに建つ自邸の家具制作に苦心した結果生まれた家具のデザインを紹介している。
‘The art of a chair is not its resemblance to art, but is partly its reasonableness, usefulness, and scale as a chair.’
Donald Judd Furniture includes more than one hundred pieces of his furniture, spanning 1970 to 1991, designed for his living and working spaces at 101 Spring Street and in Presidio County, Texas. The publication introduces readers to Donald Judd’s furniture designs, initiated during the renovation of his home and studio at 101 Spring Street in New York, and as the result of the difficulty Judd later had in furnishing his home in Marfa, Texas. These furniture designs exemplify the directness of form and presence for which his artworks are celebrated, as well as offering a distinct and unadorned functionality. In this book they are presented through detailed drawings and breakdowns of materials, and color photography exploring their placement and function within these spaces. As well as surveying a central aspect of his work, Donald Judd Furniture details Judd’s understanding of functionality, form, and his deep interest in the possibilities of design in a world of mass-production.
仕様hardcover in a sleeve
448 pages
152 x 229 mm
color, black and white -